SmartDocu IT

Simplify the KYC Process

A transformative approach to address the challenges associated with traditional KYC processes.

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Verify Simply

By leveraging advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation, banks can streamline the customer onboarding journey while maintaining compliance with regulatory standards.

User Experience

User-friendly interface

The digital KYC process should be designed with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for customers to complete the required steps.

Clear instructions

Customers should be provided with clear instructions on what information is needed, how to provide it, and what to expect during the process.

Secure data transfer

The digital KYC process should ensure that all customer data is transferred securely to protect privacy and prevent fraud.

Biometric authentication

Biometric authentication methods such as facial recognition or fingerprint scanning may be used to verify the customer's identity.

Fast processing

Digital KYC is designed to be faster than traditional KYC processes, so customers should expect the process to be completed quickly and efficiently.

Feedback and status updates

Customers should be provided with feedback on their progress through the process, and regular status updates should be provided to keep them informed of any further actions required.

Intuitive, secure, & efficient

Overall, the digital KYC user experience should be intuitive, secure, and efficient, allowing customers to easily verify their identity while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Simply put, KYC is tricky. On the one hand, you need to make sure your users are the people they claim to be. On the other hand, your customers may quit if onboarding requires too much effort.

Finding the sweet spot between the two is a crucial objective for the identity proofing and affirmation industry, and is exactly what Digital KYC Botswana offers

Streamline Your KYC

  • Boost Customer experience and conversion rates

    Onboard more customers—both remote and onsite—successfully through a seamless, fast, and reliable process powered by advanced document and biometric verification.

  • Accept customers from anywhere

    Identify your customers with the help of the world’s largest document template database, which contains national IDs, passports, driver’s licenses, and more. Whatever they provide, it can be found among the 12,000+ templates.

  • Prevent fraud from the get-go

    Take advantage of AI-powered cross-checks and make sure fraudsters can’t access your service. Regula performs face matching and analyzes the data from the visual zone, MRZ, RFID chips, barcodes, and holograms for any inconsistencies.

  • Increase operational efficiency

    Get rid of time-consuming and error-prone manual registrations. The advanced OCR technology instantly processes embossed, engraved, typed or printed text, and automates entry of over 600 data types.

Technologies Used

Document type identification

Verify data from 12,000+ international documents using AI and ML.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Convert typed or printed text into digital data.

Face matching

Make sure that a document’s presenter and its owner are the same person.

MRZ reading

Scan and cross-check data from machine-readable zones.

RFID reading

Verify documents equipped with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips.

Barcode reading

Recognize all kinds of barcodes to accelerate operations.

Liveness Detection

Examine the liveness of a person with AI and machine learning algorithms.